Welcome to FiveAble®. I have used the name FiveAble® online for years. It has a few meanings to me. Initially “5A”, pronounced Five Able, was a hexadecimal code I looked for when I was a debugging mainframe programs in the mid to late 1990s. I dealt with IBM’s Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) print stream data daily and hexadecimal 5A, 01011010 binary, were the first two hex characters of each line of valid AFP print stream data. During debugging I knew if 5A was missing at the beginning of a line of AFP output then the data was corrupt. From there I started using FiveAble® as an online name in IRC, Internet Relay Chat, channels and with a non-profit community WiFi project I helped run in Columbus Georgia called ColumbusFreenet.org. My identity as FiveAble® has grown to include Instagram, X (formerly known as Twitter), Telegram, Discord and Tumblr as well as YouTube and Google+ and many others. Aside from the geeky reasons FiveAble® has meaning to me, FiveAble® also symbolizes success. Simply put: If it’s worthy of a high five, it’s FiveAble®!